Sketchnotes for JavaScript: The Hard Parts (v2)

🗓 March 3, 2023

I’ve completed the first half of JavaScript: The Hard Parts, v2 on Frontend Masters, taught by the affable Will Sentance. This workshop is a deep dive into how various JavaScript features work, and Will does an excellent job of modeling how to explain these complicated concepts.

It is exactly what I need right now; I would really like to build up some confidence in my technical communication skills. I am constantly mixing up "argument" vs. "parameter" and while I know there is a difference, historically I have not been able to explain it very well. I really like the way Will teaches these kinds of topics. He also teaches content with lots of repetition, which will eventually build to muscle memory (no pun intended). I think I’m going to have to rewatch the Closure lesson several times before I really get it, though. 😅

Sketchnotes for "Principles of JavaScript" -- JavaScript: The Hard Parts, by Will Sentance

Sketchnotes for "Callbacks and Higher Order Functions" -- JavaScript: The Hard Parts, by Will Sentance

Sketchnotes for "Closure" -- JavaScript: The Hard Parts, by Will Sentance