Headshot of Jess Eldredge in a circular container. She is wearing her hair in braided pigtails, wearing a pink shirt, and smiling. The backdrop is a white cement wall with colorful graffiti hearts.

Hello, I’m Jess Eldredge

  • User-focused Software Engineer
  • Detail-oriented Team Player
  • Little Free Library Enthusiast

I’m a frontend engineer who builds users experiences for the web. I care deeply about quality and teamwork. I sweat the details. As a lifelong learner and advocate for inclusivity, I believe in mentorship, asking lots of questions, and fostering respectful environments for sharing knowledge.

What gets me pumped


Work experience

✨ Senior software engineer at Splice
Implemented new features and maintained stability in the user sign-up and subscription flows on the web application, including plan selection, checkout, billing, taxes, and plan management. Served as technical project lead on several features, planning the project implementation and milestones, defining engineering tasks, documenting dependencies and business rules, and leading discussions about architecture needs.
✨ Senior web developer at Slate
Implemented the redesign of Slate articles and worked on the migration to a new CMS based on Node and Vue.js. Developed the front end design system and documented code style, user guidelines for the new CMS.
✨ Front end developer at Shopify
Built the UI for the Shopify admin application in Rails and Lineman.js, enabling Shopify merchants to manage their web-based storefronts, product inventory, and orders. Led the effort to implement the new style guide for the 2014 redesign of the Shopify admin.
✨ Senior front end developer at LivingSocial
Led the front end and UI development for the LivingSocial Merchant Center and related web applications. Built a front end style guide to maintain visual consistency and code quality, establishing standards for Sass, CSS, and HTML.